La Merienda (22/08/20)
Sábado, 22 Agosto 2020

Especial de verano en La Merienda con “At the Edge of the Sofa” el festival en streaming organizado por David Edge, lider de The Wedding Present con las actuaciones de The Primitives, Melys, Jetstream Pony, The Catenary Wires, The Popguns, y las canciones de Tampopo, Arista Fiera, Lentillas de Colores, Widowspeak, The Catherines, Falling Sugar, Fred Fredburguer, Emma Kupa, Tough Age, Exploding Flowers, The Hannah Barberas, Hooper Crescent, Smokescreens, Phantom Handshakes, Mr Ben & The Bens, Valentina Way, Morningwhim, Hatchie & The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Even As We Speak, The Stroppies, Jeanines, Seazoo, The Beths